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Industry Insight: Cloud in the Enterprise – Setting the Terms and Definitions

Cloud computing is a complex and still maturing set of technologies and IT practices. Therefore, we believe that a common understanding of terminology promotes clarity and reduces confusion when communicating with peers, business users, senior executives and vendors. A common and standard cloud lexicon is critical to communicating cloud deployment models, concepts, and practices to others within the enterprise. In this report, Evaluator Group identifies the current cloud-computing-related terms and expressions and offers a definition of each one. Definitions are based on our research and information acquired from multiple sources including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), open source projects, foundations dedicated to various aspects of cloud computing (Cloud Native Computing Foundation for example), journals, user groups and vendors. We have included Evaluator Group guidance regarding usage of terminology and its significance to enterprise IT administrators.

This report will be updated periodically to add new terms and guidance as well as make modifications to existing definitions as needed.

Download now to read the full report.

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July 11, 2016

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