Choosing the appropriate page size for sub-LUN automated tiering – Leah Schoeb on SearchSolidStateStorage

By , Monday, March 4th 2013

Categories: Analyst Blogs

Tags: Automated Tiering, solid state storage, SSD, storage, storage vendors,

Automated tiering has become a popular offering among most major storage vendors. The ability to automatically and intelligently move part of a LUN or volume to the appropriate storage media based on performance requirements or frequency of use has shown a performance and management value to some IT infrastructures. This is great for taking frequently accessed data and storing it in high-performance storage, like solid-state storage. The ratio of data that is frequently accessed is very small, on the average of 3% to 6% hot blocks for most environments. It’s like the 80/20 rule where 20% of the data accounts for 80% of the activity.


Read the rest of Leah’s blog on SearchSolidStateStorage

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